John Francis Doering - Requiescat In Pacem - 1945-2006
John Francis DoeringJuly 14, 1945-June 9, 2006
Humanitarian, Magnanimous Storyteller, Champion of Fun, Freedom, and Love

Tony Rubio, Jack Doering, and nephew Brian Kenny, August 2005
John “Jack” Doering, native of San Francisco, California, passed from this world on June 9, 2006 after a valiant eight month battle with liver cancer. The lifetime partner of Tony Rubio, devoted son of Joseph Edward and Veronica Maguire Doering and the caring brother of Margaret Ann Kenny and Robert Gerard Doering, John was a teacher, leader, friend, compatriot, cousin, uncle, godfather, and grand-uncle to the scores of people who were fortunate to be close to him.
John attended St. John’s Ursuline grammar school, Sacred Heart High School, the Christian Brother’s Juniorate at Mont La Salle in Napa, California, and the University of San Francisco, before entering the US Navy in 1966. He was dedicated the concept of equality upon which our great nation was founded. To that end, he strove to elevate those around him who were less fortunate and to take care of those he encountered.
He settled in Brookings, Oregon in 1978, where he operated Rubio’s Mexican Restaurant for the better part of twenty years. He exhibited his extraordinary integrity and his ability to relate to others on a daily basis and he was a constant source of love, understanding, guidance, and support to his family, friends, and customers.
Through his work in Toast Masters and various recovery groups, John helped countless like-minded and like-experienced individuals come to grips with their strengths and their weaknesses. His open mind and his philosophy to respect God and to take the time to enjoy nature’s wonder also helped him to become a world-class gardener and an excellent cook.
Nobody cherished their home more than John and Tony. Their love and devotion for Casa Rubio and its magnificent gardens and landscaping created an awe-inspiring paradise that reminded all their quests of the wonders of nature and the glory of God.
Although he has left the physical world, he will be present every time he is remembered either through his kind deeds or the memories and stories that he has provided all whom he has touched. At his core, John was a deeply empathetic and caring man. He was a champion of the underdog and the down trodden who believed in the fundamental decency of all human beings.
He is survived by his mother Veronica Maguire Doering, his partner Tony Rubio, his second mother Lola Rubio, his sister Margaret Doering Kenny, his brother Robert Gerard Doering, and his many beloved nephews and nieces and grand-nephews and grand-nieces.
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