Saturday, August 06, 2005

Aloha, Brian - Beauchamp and Benda

This orignially ran in the Redding record Searchlight in August 2005

Aloha, Brian

Award-winning Pacific Sun Olive Oil of Gerber owes much of its success to Brian Kenny, its marketing whiz. Raised in Redding, Kenny, 32, helped take the family-owned business from just a concept in 2001 to a growing concern today with 125 accounts, along the way winning critical accolades and admirers from celebrity chefs to rock stars like David Byrne.

But success comes at a price. In Kenny's case, the stress and near-constant travel have raised health issues.

"I need to get off the road for a while," he told us this week. Friday was his last day at Pacific Sun. Their loss.

Kenny plans to do some freelance writing and hopes to stay in the Redding area with Hana, his wife of eight years, and 3-year-old daughter, Aislinn.

All the best, Brian.

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