Friday, December 30, 2005

Obituary for Subtlety


B. Precambiean Era - D. Post Dot.Com Bust
Survived by a loyal band of disparate adherents

Subtlety passed away recently.
Nobody is really sure when it happened,
authorities who were contacted for comment have not yet replied.
The only thing that is certain is that subtlety has died.

I started to notice that subtlety was ill,
possibly terminally, over the past several years.
When I saw Jim Carey light up a fart in "Dumb and Dumber"
in the party scene fantastic and proud in its blunder
I realized that subtlety was stooped and encumbered
a narrow span of attention plagues our society but still...

And the teaser trailer for "Dumb and Dumberer"proved that it was true,
Subtlety had become grist for the mill.
Cannon-Fodder, roadkill, collateral damage, un objecto anonadamiento
at the intersection of Materialism Street and La Avenida de Credito Ilimitado

Scratch That Itch and Feed that Jones,
if you have a problem, blame your broken home
blow that donkey and ride that horn,
don't come to terms with the inconceivable, smother it with scorn
bang your thing and shake that gong,
the music ain't about a message, the dance is about a song
shake your saber and rattle your bones,
the slot machines at the indian casino play the secret, sacred tones

Never suffer discomfort lest it be else's fault
read the rags at the check-out stand for the names to exalt
and if it ever be demanded that you should utter some truth,
seek out the Civil Criminal, establish the burdern of proof

Gene Wilder said it well, modern comedy is all about the punchline
It's all about the moneyshot, the french tipped nail, the suggestive tanline
shows on OLN, HGN, Food Network, ESPN are shot just like Andrew Blake,
surprise, sincerity, and excitement all are eager to fake.
Don't say anything bright lest ye be tarred and feathered as a know-it-all
The Farrelly Brothers, Rush Limbaugh, Al Franken, Puff Daddy, and Bill O'Reilly should bear the Pall

But there will be neither funeral nor memorial service, nor graveside repose
Subltety has perished, slowly, silently, anonymous; unnoticed by all of those
who were fleeing from reality lest their glass houses be rent assunder
in the face of the product divine staring slack-jawed in wonder.

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At 7:47 PM, Blogger Brian J. Kenny said...

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